The World Cultural Heritage My Son tower-temple complex belonging to Duy Phu commune, Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam province has its geographic coordinates:
Latitude: 150 515 North.
Longitude: 1080 573 East.
Total conservation area : 1,158 ha.
-Distance from My Son to Tra Kieu (Simhapura Imperial City): 20 km.
-Distance from My Son to Hoi An Ancient Town (The World Cultural Heritage): 45km.
-Distance from My Son to Ancient Capital of Hue (The World Cultural Heritage): 145km.
-Distance from My Son to Da Nang: 68km.
My Son Holy Land is situated in an august mighty valley complex. The Holy Land with more than 70 tower-temple architectural structures of Cham Pa civilization retaining historical, cultural, architectural and artistic values from 9 centuries’ time (from 4th – 18th century), is regarded as monumental as other renowned relics in the region of South East Asia such as Angkor, Pagan, Borobudur.
Kazik (Kazimiers – Kwiatkowski) – an accomplished architect who has had years working at My Son, once said: “Old Cham people have put their spirit into stone and soil. They were able to create a grandeur and sacred My Son on the basis of nature. This is a priceless museum of architecture and sculpture of humanity that it would take a long time for us to fully grasp”.
Time and the wars have severely impaired the relic. Still, the remainder in My Son play a critically important part in world historic architectural heritage. As the cultural heritage’s globally prominent values need to be protected for the sake of human beings, My Son relic complex was entered in the UNESCO’s register as the World Cultural Heritage on December 4th 1999 in the city of Marrkesk, the Republic of Marocco.